Powerld Switching Power Supply was founded in
Currently, Our products are applied to all over the world, In domestic market, we provide our service successfully to Philips, Lenovo, Zet etc. In overseas market. Our products are sold well to U.S.A, Russia, Korea, Spain, Italy, Finland, Slovak, India, Israel, Indonesia and other countries, Our products are widely used in military or telecommunication equipments, Cable TVS, Industry Automation, Security systems and so on. Powerld always make great efforts to keep a stable and long-term friendship with our customers.
Please come to us, Powerld will be your most trustworthy partner!
中國智能化網(zgznh®)--引領工業智能化產業發展 共享智能化+優質平臺
版權所有:深圳市智控網絡有限公司 學術指導:深圳市智能化學會
深公網安備案證字第 4403101901094 號 | 粵公網安備 44030702001206號