中博視清是一家專業視頻IP提供商,專注于SOC/FPGA 硬件視頻IP開發,主要方向為HEVC/H.265、H.264視頻編解碼以及視頻智能分析。
中博視清在視頻硬件系統設計方面擁有豐富的經驗和創新方法,特別是在并行化和超高速構造設計方面獨樹一幟。公司能為客戶提供或定制高性能和高性價比的視頻IP,如我們提供的高清HEVC/H.265視頻編碼器ZoBo E50,是目前公開的運行速度最快的單核編碼器。
ZoBoVision focus on hardware video IP for both SOC and FPGA, such as HEVC/H.265 or H.264 Video Codec and Video Intelligent Analytics.
ZoBoVision has rich experience and innovative methods on development of a video hardware system, especially on parallel design and ultra-fast architecture design. We can provide or custom high-performance and cost-effective video IP, such as our HEVC/H.265 HD encoder named ZoBo E50, which is the world fastest HEVC/H.265 HD encoder published so far with single core.
Other than video IP for SOC or ASIC, we also provide competitive solutions based on low cost fpga, especially for surveillance and personalized applications.