GLUAL公司成立于1969年,對于工業自動化上所運用的液壓和電控系統有自己的技術。我們的目標是向客戶提供好的解決方案,做到交鑰匙工程,以此贏得客戶的滿意度. 主要涉及領域: 液壓系統的設計及生產 液壓油缸,液壓分路器,活塞式蓄能器的設計及生產. 配套的電控的硬件及軟件的開發與生產(電控柜等) 液壓和電控元件的銷售 售后服務:安裝調試,維護及修理.
GLUAL Company founded in 1969 with our own engineering specializing in the automatization of industrial processes: hydraulic and electronic systems. Our aim is TO SATISFY THE CUSTOMER integrating the best turnkey solutions. Main divisions: Design and manufacturing of Power packs Design and manufacturing of hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic distributors, piston accumulators Design and manufacturing of electronic hardware and software (electrical pictures, Plcs.) -
中國智能化網(zgznh®)--引領工業智能化產業發展 共享智能化+優質平臺
版權所有:深圳市智控網絡有限公司 學術指導:深圳市智能化學會
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